
From metawiki
(Redirected from Beauty)
Beauty is Truth and Truth Beauty. The proof is self-evident (and self-similar!)

This page outlines the aesthetics of the metaculture philosophy.

"Mathematics, rightly viewed, possesses not only truth, but supreme beauty" -Bertrand Russell

Fractals encapsulate the essence of what humans find beautiful--symmetry, complexity, color, and pattern, because they reveal an essential underlying truth about the order of the universe, as well as the order of our neurons.

The wiki merges aesthetic forms of exploring concepts with rational and emotional ones. This starts with providing music that relates to each topic, and will be expanded to add visual arts, poetry, movies, and other creative ways that these concepts are explored in the culture.

Aesthetics Pages

Pages related to arts, aesthetics, and creativity.

Fractal Aesthetics

Here are a number of articles articulating the idea of fractal aesthetics:

While the study of aesthetics is a cornerstone topic in philosophy and a necessary component of a complete philosophical system, it is admittedly the least interesting, well-developed, or groundbreaking aspect of metaculture at the time of this writing. But it does fit very nicely into the holistic picture of the fractal universe and mind.

And, if you can't see the subjective beauty of a fractal just by looking at it, this wiki is not going to be able to explain it to you!

Intro to Aesthetics

Art. What is it good for? Discover the wacky world of aesthetics in these videos.

Aesthetics - What Good Is It?

Intro to Aesthetics - Philosophy Tube

Beauty is Truth and Vice Versa

If Beauty is Truth and Truth Beauty, then Fractals represent the essence of both.

"Truth is beautiful, without doubt; but so are lies." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Keats's Ode on a Grecian Urn

Look at These Fractals

Contemplate the wonder and beauty of these fractal zoom videos.

A Trip to Infinity Mandelbrot Fractal Zoom

Infinity Liquid Mandelbrot Zoom

11 Dimensions Mandelbrot Fractal Zoom

Music is Aesthetic

A large part of aesthetics is music. However, music is not a large part of the aesthetics wiki page.

Morrissey - To Me You Are a Work of Art