
Links to groups, publications, and educational resources that promote the values of universalism and science, and creating dialogs between those with different cultures and belief systems in order to promote understanding, unity, and peace.
For content producers that write, lecture, or create videos on these subjects, see Podcasts, Authors, and Reading List. You can also follow the creators of the embedded videos found on this wiki. Most have not yet been captured by the alt-right pipeline.
"Every moment is an organizing opportunity, every person a potential activist, every minute a chance to change the world." -Dolores Huerta
While a number of atheist oriented organizations exist that share many of the goals and values advocated here, those with a mission that is primarily anti-religious are not included. Instead, this list focuses on those that promote secular spirituality, humanism, science advocacy, and other universal values.
Looking for honest reviews of spiritual organizations and events from a secular spirituality perspective? Check out Church Research.
ISNESS is a model for a modern major interfaith group that studies the intersection of science, spirituality, psychology, and psychedelics.
Science and Religion Compatibilism
Organizations that promote philosophy and theology that view science, spirituality, and religion as fundamentally compatible instead of mutually exclusive, and those promoting science and religion dialog. While the content may have varying degrees of woo, they share the goal of resolving cognitive dissonance. Organizations that primarily use pseudoscience to promote literal interpretations of scripture are not included.
Foundations, Initiatives & Resources
- Templeton Foundation
- Dialog on Science, Ethics, and Religion
- International Society for Science & Religion
- Science Meets Faith List of Institutions and Initiatives
- Interdisciplinary Encyclopedia of Religion and Science
- European Society for the Study of Science and Theology
- Mind and Life Institute
- Sky Meadow Institute
- Integral Life, Integral World
- Metanexus
- Biologos
- Closer to Truth
- Counterbalance
- Reasons to Believe
- John Ray Initiative Connecting Environment, Science, and Christianity
- International Center for Transdisciplinary Research
- The Gifford Lectures on Natural Theology
- Science and Orthodoxy Around the World
- Institute of Noetic Sciences
- Faraday Institute for Science and Religion
- Columbia University Center for Science and Society
- Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences
- Ian Ramsey Centre for Science and Religion
- Institute for Cross-Disciplinary Engagement at Dartmouth
Catholic Organizations
- The Pontifical Academy of Sciences
- Vatican Observatory
- Nuns and Nones
- Society of Catholic Scientists
- Institute for Theological Encounter with Science and Technology
Universalism and Pantheism
Spiritual movements and advocacy groups that promote universalist and pantheist theology.
Churches with Universalist Theology
- Unitarian Universalists
- UU Humanist Association
- The Baha'i Faith
- Unity Church
- United Church of Christ
- Religious Society of Friends (Quakers)
- Centers for Spiritual Living
Pantheist Organizations
Fraternal & Service Organizations
Many fraternal service organizations advocate a universalist theology. While they have traditionally excluded women, this is often no longer the case.
Secular Spirituality
Groups that offer purely secular versions of the congregation experience. They promote secular humanist values, provide community, and organize life-celebrating activities like music, weddings, funerals, and other milestone rituals.
- Sunday Assembly
- Lifefulness Project
- American Humanist Association
- American Ethical Union
- Humanists UK
- Humanists International
- Secular Coalition for America (list of local secular communities)
- The Brights Movement
- The Clergy Project
- Society for Humanistic Judaism
- North Texas Church of Freethought
- Openly Secular
Secular Spirituality crossed with culture jamming and/or high weirdness.
- The Satanic Temple
- Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster
- Church of the Subgenius
- Principia Discordia / Discordopedia
Interfaith Organizing and the Universal In-Group
Organizations that promote equality, inclusivity, and ways to help us embrace all people and cultures and see them as part of our in-group. Organizations that attempt to bridge political and social divides to create broad interfaith coalitions for advocacy and change.
- Othering and Belonging Institute
- Interfaith Alliance
- Columbia Directory of Organizations Transforming Polarization & Division
- Columbia Directory of Dialog Facilitation Organizations
- Direct Action Research and Training Center
- Paulist Initiative on Polarization
- Americans United for the Separation of Church and State
- Institute for Cultural Diplomacy
- Boston Theological Interreligious Consortium
- Pub Theology
- Street Epistemology
- Braver Angels
- Common Cause
- Bridge USA
- National Governor's Association Disagree Better
- Organization of American States
- Commons Library Directory of Social Change Organizations
- War Resisters League
- Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty
- Islamic Networks Group
- Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights
- ASU Center for Study of Religion and Conflict
- Constructive Dialog Institute
- Bipartisan Policy Center
- Starts With Us
- Builders Movement
- International Center on Nonviolent Conflict
Science, Reason, and Advocacy
Organizations that promote general science literacy, critical thinking skills, reason and logic. Online learning tools focused on teaching general science skills, information literacy, and civics. Resources for activism.
- Sense & Sensibility & Science
- Outsmarting Implicit Bias
- MITx Online
- National Center for Science Education
- American Humanist Association Center for Education
- American Association for the Advancement of Science
- National Science Teaching Association
- Journal of Science Communication
- The Freethought Society
- New Generation Teachers
- Skeptical Inquirer
- Center for Inquiry
- Dawkins Foundation for Reason & Science
- Rationalist International
- Open Culture
- Brilliant
- Quizwithit
- The Fractal Foundation
- Center for Humane Technology
- List of International Skeptical Organizations
- Next Big Idea Club
- Rational Wiki
- Thinking is Power
- Consensus AI Powered Research Engine
- Beall's List
- Siris Health
- iCivics
- Social and Political Dimensions of Information Literacy
- The Albert Einstein Institute
- Yes In My Back Yard (YIMBY)
Complex Systems
Research organizations and educational resources dedicated to complexity theory, fractal geometry, and related subjects.
- The Santa Fe Institute
- New England Complex Systems Institute
- Young Researchers of the Complex Systems Society
- Complexity Science Hub
- Jim Muth's Fractal of the Day Archive
Positive Psychology
Positive psychology is distinct from self-help in that it offers robust, evidence-based tools that promote meaning and well-being. Where self-help recycles pseudoscience and platitudes to grift on the discontented people in society, these groups promote lasting, meaningful life improvement.
- International Positive Psychology Association
- The School of Life
- Happiness and Well-Being
- Top 23 Positive Psychology Courses
- Jonathan Haidt - The Anxious Generation - After Babel - The Happiness Hypothesis
- Authentic Happiness - UPenn Positive Psychology
- Action for Happiness - Ten Days of Happiness Free Course
- Yale Mind and Development Lab
- Your Morals
- Center for Optimism
- Psychology Wiki
- Harvard Human Flourishing Program
- A Playful Path
- My Primals
- Six Minute Networking
Psychedelic Science, Spirituality, and Therapy
Organizations advocating the therapeutic or entheogenic use of psychedelics.
- MAPS - Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies
- Psychedelic Support
- American Psychedelic Practitioners Association
- Beckley Academy
- The Shulgin Foundation
- Chacruna Institute for Psychedelic Plant Medicines
- Erowid
- North American Association of Visionary Churches
- Association of Entheogenic Practitioners
- Sacred Plant Alliance
- Tricycle Day
- Tripsitters - Directory
- Healing Maps
- The Chambers Project
- DoubleBlind Magazine
- Psygaia
- Fireside Project
- Global Psychedelic Society
Public Philosophy
Those attempting to make philosophy more practical and accessible, so more people can use it to improve their life choices.
- Public Philosophy Wikipedia
- Institute for Philosophy in Public Life
- Public Philosophy Journal
- American Philosophical Association - Public Philosophy Blog
- C. Thi Nguyen's Manifesto for Public Philosophy
- Ethical Systems
- Institute of Art and Ideas
- Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
- Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy
- The Commons Social Change Library
- Wi-Phi Wireless Philosophy
Groups that are local to wiki moderators who have hosted in-person lectures and other relevant events that offer networking opportunities.
Check the Church Research page for a reviews of various religious services in the region.
Google Sheet with Shared Calendars for many of these groups.
East Tennessee
- Sunday Nomads
- Knoxville Baha'i Community
- Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Church
- Westside Unitarian Universalist Church
- Oak Ridge Unitarian Universalist Church
- Knoxville UCC Curch
- West Knoxville Friends Meeting
- Rationalists of East Tennessee
- Losel Shedrup Ling Tibetan Buddhist Center
- Lotus Light Center
- Episcopal Church of the Good Samaritan
- AME Zion Churches - Bethel AME
- Messiah Lutheran Church
- Westminster Presbyterian Church
- Tennessee Interfaith Power & Light
- Justice Knox
- Pride Interfaith Knox
- PechaKucha Night Knoxville
- Tennessee Action for Happiness
- ACLU Tennessee
- Freedom From Religion Foundation East TN
- Change TN
- Appalachian Community Fund
- A Place of the Heart
- The OASIS Institute
- Meaningful Life Center
- Knoxville Pub Theology
- Revitalist Clinic
Nashville / Middle Tennessee
- Sunday Assembly Nashville
- Middle Tennessee Humanist Group
- Tennessee Humanist Association
- Baha'i Community of Nashville
- Greater Nashville UU Church
- Unity Church of Nashville
- Imaginarium
- Millions of Conversations
- The Conversation Coalition
- Americans United - Nashville
- Nashville Braver Angels
- Tennessee United for Human Rights
- Nashville Peace and Justice Center
- Nashville Organized for Action and Hope
- Tennessee Justice Center
- Tennessee Alliance for Progress
- Peace Roots Alliance
- IONS Nashville
- Stand Up Nashville
- Tennessee Faith and Justice Alliance
- Interfaith Alliance of Middle Tennessee
- Tennessee Environmental Council
- Nashville Psychedelic Center [1]
- Nashville Psychedelic Society [2]
Atlanta / Georgia
- Atlanta Entheo Temple
- Whole ATL
- Altered States Integration Southeast
- Philosophy Cafe of Atlanta
- First Existentialist Congregation of Atlanta
- Sunday Assembly Atlanta
- Atlanta Freethought Society
- Atlanta Secular Groups Directory
- Atlanta Skeptics
- Atlanta Atheists
- Coastal Atheists and Secular Humanists
- Ethical Humanists of Atlanta
- Black Nonbelievers of Atlanta
- Marietta Atheist/Skeptic/Humanist Meetup
- Sol Dance