
Enlightenment is meant to represent the destruction of the ego but entirely too often it results in its inflation.
"Not creating delusions is enlightenment." -Bodhidharma
In spiritual traditions it generally refers to the highest level of spiritual knowledge that one can obtain.
"Knowing others is wisdom, knowing yourself is Enlightenment." -Lao Tzu
In the western interpretation of those traditions, it tends to mean self-realization, self-actualization, or self-authorship, depending on the development model being used. For example, the Kohlberg Scale is a psychological model for ethical and moral enlightenment.
"We need enlightenment, not just individually but collectively, to save the planet. We need to awaken ourselves. We need to practice mindfulness if we want to have a future, if we want to save ourselves and the planet." -Thich Nhat Hanh
In metaculture it means you read all of the wiki pages and passed the standardized test to receive your Certificate of Enlightenment.

Enlightenment Through Robust General Knowledge
One of the key premises of the metaculture wiki is that anyone can gain a pretty good general idea of how the universe, our minds, and societies work, without having to become an expert in all of the relevant science or have a University-level education, though those things make it easier. You still have no business telling other people what to think outside of your areas of expertise, but you can see the big picture.
All of the necessary information is available for free on Wikipedia, YouTube, and other websites. Only the core concepts of each subject really needs to be understood and remembered in order for them to make enough sense to put them to use in our life choices. They only need to be assembled into a coherent, holistic metanarrative that creates a consistently rational way of assimilating this knowledge and relating it to the core themes of science and happiness.
By recognizing our shared evolutionary history and common goal of happiness maximization, the universal in-group becomes a natural conclusion, and that is the "we are all one" realization at the heart of most spiritual epiphany.
Enlightenment Through Science
To destroy the ego and embody intellectual humility, you must remove all emotional attachment to ideas. The principles of science, evidence, and self-correction represent beliefs, ritual practices and social norms to reinforce intellectual humility. Elevating the core belief in science to the level of the sacred can enhance this effect, by linking it to our value systems and cultural traditions. Rather than creating dogma, it creates a new doctrine that systematically deconstructs dogma. The Dogma of No Dogma.
General Properties of Enlightenment
Are there common elements between "spiritual enlightenment" that are culturally neutral and universal? What would be on such a list? Some suggestions:
- Self-aware - knowledge of self, self-control, strong sense of agency
- Universalism - recognizing our shared nature independent of belief
- Universal in-group - all people are equally deserving of love and ethical consideration
- Critical Thinking - the ability to question assumptions and beliefs, and to think logically
- Meaning of Life - a well-developed sense of meaning and purpose in life
- Optimism - a positive and hopeful outlook on life and the future
- Humor - the cosmic joke is hilarious and if you don't get it you're probably not enlightened
- Happiness and Well-Being - a peaceful and/or joyous demeanor and general wellness
Think about the people who we consider modern paragons of spiritual wisdom. Pope Francis. The Dalai Lama. Ghandi. Martin Luthor King. Would you use these terms to describe them? Are there other traits that they all share that are central to why we consider them enlightened?
The Science of Enlightenment
Videos about what enlightenment means and ways of seeking it.
The Sounds of Enlightenment
Some might think this would be a good place for some peaceful meditation music. Others associate their Divine Moments of Truth with times when they were Shpongled.