
From metawiki
A disorganized game drawer

Games and play are some of the highest expressions of thought. They intentionally challenge our intellect, our philosophy of mind, provide intermittent reinforcement, and help develop social relationships.

"Games, then, are a kind of utopia of can be said to be present when the free expression of creative energies becomes an end in itself. It is freedom for its own sake." -Bernard Louis De Koven

The excellent book, Games: Agency as Art by C. Thi Nguyen provides a definitive philosophy of games, play, agency, and the impact of gamification on our agency. This interview on Conspirituality podcast provides a good introduction to his ideas.

Barnard Louis De Koven's A Playful Path has a bunch of free resources on how to incorporate play into daily life, and unique games that challenge us in many ways. A number of other similar websites offer free games to encourage play among children and adults alike.

The Importance of Play

Play is essential to education, especially when it comes to socialization. [1][2][3][4]

Play is also important for maintaining relationships and neuroplasticity in adults. [5][6][7][8]

There are many other articles and resources for developing good play habits and free ideas for games and activities on the referenced websites if you want to explore this concept further.

But the best way to explore this concept is to get out and do some playing!

The importance of play - John Cohn

Video Games as an Art Form

The Video games as an art form page discusses the philosophy of video games as works of art.

There are many video games that deeply explore various topics in philosophy through the unique first person perspective of the player that only games can provide.

What Video Games Should Be Taught in School?

This series of videos examines several different video games from the perspective of their lessons about philosophy and ethics.

Games Without Frontiers

War without tears.

Peter Gabriel - Games Without Frontiers

Playlist with the full Future Games album

Fleetwood Mac - Future Games

The Alan Parsons Project - Games People Play

Skyrim Theme Song - Full (Dovahkiin Song)

Zelda Main Theme Song