
From metawiki
"God laughing at the cosmic joke" by AI

God has a sense of humor. Just ask the Pope or the Dalai Lama [1][2].

The metaculture wiki practices irreverent reverence in order to pay respect to the Cosmic Joke.[3][4]

If matters of philosophy, politics, and spirituality are treated with too much sacredness and seriousness, the joy, absurdity, and humor of life can be missed. This is one of the most important keys to happiness!

In case you didn't think it was, the cosmic joke is an example of meta or self-referential humor.

Lighten up, people. God wants you to be happy. That's why the universe is inherently hilarious.

Beware of Sarcasm

To demonstrate its universality, humor is spread throughout this wiki, instead having one funny page and 500 serious ones. Jokes and sarcasm are not labeled, but if they contain a reference to literature or pop culture it will be hyperlinked. A good rule of thumb is that if a literal reading would strike the opposite tone as the rest of the wiki, it's probably sarcasm.

The Internet is global, and cultural references often require a lifetime spent in the culture. If you are not specifically a GenX or Millennial American you may not get some of the references, like all the music, or identify with Daria levels of dry sarcasm, but you'll get it at least.

Your Life Is a Cosmic Joke

What Is The Cosmic Joke?

Philomena Cunk: My Mate Paul - Ultimate 2025 Compilation

George Carlin - Religion Stand Up

Bo Burnham - How The World Works

Monty Python - Galaxy Song