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There are two guards and two doors. One door leads to freedom, and the other to death. One guard always lies, the other always tells the truth. They know which they are. They know where the two doors go. You do not know which guard is which or which door is which. You may ask one yes or no question. What do you ask to determine which door leads to freedom?

The spreading of misinformation on social media has had a corrosive effect on our trust in institutions.

Unless you want to eliminate freedom of speech, there is no way to use the legal system to prevent misinformation spreading. The only way to counter its influence is to make it taboo.

While misinformation is consistently called out by the political opposition, it is often embraced by the side that it favors due to in-group bias. This needs to be taboo in modern culture, so that anyone who uses misinformation, or even suggests its use, becomes persona non grata to their now-former in-group, and cannot immediately find another home and income stream by joining the opposition.

Propaganda often takes the form of misinformation, but it can also contain true information that promotes a specific ideology. It is usually state-sponsored, but billionaire-sponsored capitalist propaganda has been become increasingly prevalent in recent years.

"A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes." -Mark Twain

See Misinformation, Propaganda, and Propaganda Techniques on Wikipedia.

For more on bad information, see pseudoscience, quantum woo, grift, platforms, trolling, and algorithm.

Misinformation and Neokayfabe

The production methods for reality TV and professional wrestling have become the inspiration for modern political messaging and fandom. Kayfabe is the professional wrestling term for the way scripted events are portrayed as "real life," with a willing suspension of disbelief by the audience. Neokayfabe mixes scripted events with real ones, such as personal scandals and contract disputes, so the audience becomes captivated by the task of parsing the truth from the fiction, and the blurred lines trick many into believing again. Abraham Jodie Riesman and others have drawn some undeniable parallels between neokayfabe and the way that modern information bubble and team sports based politics. [1][2][3]

Conspirituality interview with Abraham Josie Reisman about "Neokayfabe"

Recognizing and Stopping Misinformation

If you see misinformation, the best policy is usually to ignore it, since any engagement you make tells the algorithm to spread it further. If your platform has a downvote, then downvote. If it has a community note, then note it. If someone else has already called out the misinformation in the comments, then don't add to it because that spreads the virus.

How False News Can Spread

How Fake News Works and How the Internet Can Stop It

Every Propaganda Technique Explained in 11 Minutes

Fake News Explained: How Disinformation Spreads

How To Choose Your News

The Brainwashing of My Dad (Full Documentary)

Fleetwood Mac - Little Lies