Fractal Geometry of Language
Language is a holonic, fractal construction, where each additional level of complexity is emergent from combining many elements of the one before.
The progression goes:
Science: the Universal Language
Science is a universal language because its evidence-based concepts are culturally independent, allowing anyone to understand them regardless of their language, culture or belief systems.
Language is the TCP/IP of Brain Networking
TCP/IP is the networking protocol behind the Internet. It facilitates structured communications between the different computers that make up the network.
Language does the same thing for brains, facilitating the creation of organic communication networks.
Rebuilding the Tower of Babel
The inability of our ancestors to maintain continuous communications with tribes that split off and settled faraway lands is the reason languages diverged and we stopped being able to understand each other.
Modern communications networks are reversing this trend. Obscure local dialects are going extinct as more people have access to the common tongue and prefer its superior ability to be understood when traveling more than 100 kilometers from your birthplace. English is becoming a global second language, allowing anyone in the world to communicate with anyone else.
The Tower of Babel is being rebuilt.
Authoritarian Language
Orwell's 1984 is the seminal work on the authoritarian use of language to subvert freedom.