
From metawiki
Revision as of 22:38, 18 December 2024 by Fractalguy (talk | contribs) (Finding Connections)
Maybe 3 or 4 original thoughts in this whole thing

To be perfectly clear, all references to metaculture refer to whatever work eventually captures the emergent synthesis of secular spirituality and fulfills the goals described on the Main Page. It does not apply to this specific project, unless it happens to do so sometime in the future.

It represents the next major cultural attractor, similar in scale and inevitability to the shift from polytheism to monotheism that took place roughly 2,000 years ago. It is a self-organizing concept that emerges from the development of science and a globally-connected common culture facilitated by information technology.

This is an attempt to describe an emergent meta-belief system encompassing many parallel efforts and commonly held ideas. It captures the essence what many people already believe, particularly the leading authors of popular science books, though no existing scripture or doctrine describes it fully. How could they if many of the key concepts (like fractal geometry and evolutionary psychology) are just a few decades old?

To reinforce this notion, metaculture is referred to in the lower case, since it is a descriptive term rather than a name. Other than the title of this page, which is capitalized automatically by Wikipedia.

Yeah, Right

The authors are fully aware of the realistic probability of this project being the one that tips the scale, when so many millions of others are working towards similar goals. Nonetheless, it still needs to be done, and the wiki format provides a platform for open-source philosophy that no other authors or organizations have yet implemented when constructing a philosophical "theory of everything."

There have been many wiki projects created to serve as open-source references, many books written on these subjects, many courses taught at universities, and fabulous art and music created to celebrate it. The metaculture wiki project is unique in that it combines all of these elements into a single platform. This should make these ideas much more accessible by making them free to access and share, and organizing them into a consistent, holistic pattern that can still be fully consumed and understood by avoiding information overload.

Similar Philosophies

Within the realm of philosophy, Metamodernism [1], Poetic Naturalism and Meta-Naturalism, and Poetic Realism come the closet to describing this emergent perspective.

Teilhard de Chardin's cosmic theology and new age philosophies like Integral Theory also have many parallels, though metaculture will require firm scientific grounding in all of its principles in order to succeed. While metaculture "transcends and includes" scientific realism and postmodernism, it still prioritizes evidence and materialism over spiritual intuition.

There are also many authors, podcasts, and organizations that promote these values and ideas. However, there is no single work that brings together all of the key concepts that are necessary to understand it, and gives useful advice based on its conclusions. The wiki format is especially suited to this task.

The following chart from Bobby Azarian's Road to Omega Substack shows the relevant theoretical models that contribute to the unified theory of reality being presented.

Finding Connections

The goal of this wiki is to demonstrate the way that everything and everyone is connected, and how various concepts connect to each other.