
From metawiki
Revision as of 08:01, 11 March 2024 by Fractalguy (talk | contribs)

Metanarrative or grand narrative or mater narrative is a term developed by Jean-François Lyotard to mean a theory that tries to give a totalizing, comprehensive account to various historical events, experiences, and social, cultural phenomena based upon the appeal to universal truth or universal values.[1]

metaculture is a new kind of metanarrative, different from religions and ideologies of the past, because it has science and self-correction as its only dogma. This means that when future evidence reveals many parts of this wiki to be incomplete or incorrect, they can simply be edited rather than discredited.

The metanarrative serves and important psychological function, detailed in the god concept.

While most metanarratives lead to a reduction in critical thinking and acceptance of misinformation, a metanarrative built solely around the scientific method and evidence-based best practices is not something that has been considered before.

It is the metanarrative of the destruction of metanarrative. The dogma of no dogma. It provides the ability to structure and make sense of the ever-changing world in which we're living, so it doesn't make you give in and cry.