
Drugs are a mixed blessing. On the one hand, they have done great things for longevity. But the side-effect of many drugs (addiction) is one of the most serious issues faced by modern culture.
While many are quick to paint recreational drugs, pharmaceuticals, or both as being wholly bad, as with any simplistic moral pronouncement it is based on shallow reasoning and absence of nuance.
See psychedelics for details on that particular class of drugs.
Moderation in All Things
Moderation is the way to avoid addiction, both to recreational drugs and medically prescribed pharmaceuticals, as well as the recreational use of prescription medications. Independent of recreation, doctors can get addicted to writing prescriptions as a simple cure for complaining patients, and patients get addicted to seek pill-based cures when none are needed. And pharmaceutical industry propaganda has heavily reinforced this notion in both parties, ensuring the addiction is inevitable.
The principle of variety can help avoid addiction as well. Following the mantra to "try everything once" can allow for broad consciousness experimentation with minimal chances of addiction. The propaganda stereotype of instant addiction after trying something once is a myth. You have to try something at least twice to get addicted. If you only try it once you are by definition not addicted.
Be self-aware. If you're prone to excess then abstinence may need to be your thing. However, most people can avoid excess if they approach altered states of consciousness with the intent to maintain moderation. It's even easier if there are culture norms built around moderation, instead of the current model of hypocrisy where we are told to abstain from drugs in school but then every adult is on some cocktail of prescription, over-the-counter, and illegal drugs.
Improper Propaganda
Medical decisions should be influenced by evidence, not propaganda. Therefore, even in a society that values capitalism and freedom of speech, information about drug efficacy should only come through unbiased channels. In other words, pharmaceutical marketing should not be allowed.
Spreading misinformation on social media that exaggerates the benefits or side-effects of any drug (or vaccine!) is bad. New culture norms are needed to enforce this.
Placebo Substitutes
The Placebo Effect can be used honestly and effectively to treat many common conditions or induce desired changes on mood. This can provide a safe, affordable alternative to many of the pills people take with unnecessary or ineffective ingredients whose effects are already placebo-based.
Music About Drugs
Is there any good music about drugs? Bill Hicks has a few things to say about this.
Since there are too many songs to choose from, here are some full albums about drugs.