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Revision as of 10:57, 7 January 2025 by Fractalguy (talk | contribs)
AI interpretation of "manosphere" ... apparently this is an "after" photo!

The Right Wing Manosphere is a network of websites, podcasts, and social media accounts that promote a hierarchical, anti-feminist, anti-liberal viewpoint targeted towards young and impressionable teenage men. Some are ideologues, some are canceled minor celebrities that have been scorned by the mainstream media, some are pick-up artists, some are social media celebrities that have discovered the rich monetization opportunities of bootlicking. They are collectively one of the most corrosive influences on the politics and morality of the next generation.

They start with good advice like "clean up your room and get in shape" before leading viewers into a right-wing rabbit hole of conspiracy, misogyny, racism, authoritarianism, and grift.

Closing the Gender Gap in Ideology

The gender gap in education has led to a similar gap in ideology, where women are increasingly university educated and progressive, while fewer men are getting the same level of education and tend to be more conservative as a result.

The metaculture wiki offers a possible solution to the gender ideology gap by providing young men without university educations with a resource to learn all of the ideas, philosophies, and values that women are being taught, so that they can be more successful when going on dates with progressive women.

Men who spend too much time in masculine spaces on the internet tend to pick up all kinds of perspectives and ideas that women find repugnant. Misogyny is the most obvious one. Racism and other prejudices don't tend to land well either. Not having any moral convictions is a turn-off. And it helps to be generally knowledgeable about the world, to appear to have some intellectual curiosity, and not come off sounding like an edgelord or a dumbass.

It is entirely possible to use YouTube to make yourself smart, worldly, empathetic, and interesting. You can also become an insane misogynist prick spreading racist conspiracy theories and complaining that women don't want to be tradwives. You can find wisdom and love, or hate and loneliness. Don't let the algorithm make that choice for you.

Though this podcast starts out with some dubious pronatalism, around the 60 minute mark they start to have one of the most insightful conversations about the gap in education and ideology between men and women and how that impacts our ability to tolerate each other enough to date successfully, find love, and create children.

Why Birthrates are Cratering Globally with Dr. Alice Evans

A Pick-up Guide for Progressive Women

Do you have a date with a hot, university educated, progressive woman? One who is probably just as open minded in the bedroom as she is in the classroom? Are you worried that you're going to say something she finds ignorant or offensive during your date and blow your chance? Did you already blow it in the chat before you ever got to a date? The metaculture wiki is here to help!

Any pick-up artist will tell you that dating is a numbers game. How are you going to make the numbers work if two out of three single women refuse to date you because of your views?

The metaculture wiki will teach you how to think like a secular, progressive, college educated young professional so you can get laid!

This is more than just memorizing a bit of "woke" language--that won't hold up for more than a few hours. This is about fully learning to understand the ideas and the perspectives that inform her worldview so you can speak to them on a deep, meaningful level, making her feel genuine love for you. Now you've got her right where you want her! Ready to have a mutually rewarding long-term relationship between equals.

This is the ultimate seduction technique that the manosphere doesn't want you to know!

Manosphere Media

The 4-part series on the history of the manosphere from Jamie Loftus is an entertaining, in-depth dive into its origins, influences, and subcultures. Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4

Scott Galloway is one of the men making a real effort to address the crisis of masculinity without leaning into toxicity and grift. This interview with Sean Illing talks about the issues men face in modern society and what we can do to help. Are Men Okay? Scott Galloway on the Gray Area

Are Men Okay?

The Crisis of Men: Modern Masculinity and The Manosphere

Are Men Okay? - Some More News Version

Incels - ContraPoints

Belief Systems Targeting Men

When researching the videos that are linked to this wiki, certain topics would be almost exclusively populated by manosphere-related videos when you search for them, or a mix of Jordan Peterson and Evangelicals who contribute significantly to manosphere philosophy. This was especially the case with subjects like belief systems, the search for meaning, life choices, sex, and a lot of things that impressionable young men seeking an online mentor might search for. Disheartening, to say the least.

The issue is that most secular and progressive people are inherently resistant to any established belief system due to the fact that once you establish one it becomes dogma. And once you have dogma you have hierarchy, resistance to change, and the truth leaves you behind. This is understandable, but it puts them at quite a disadvantage when it comes to appealing to those who are seeking out a belief system and don't really want to have to figure everything out for themselves.

metaculture avoids this issue by putting science and the scientific method at the core of that dogma.

Only when you have a coherent belief system that you can put forth as an alternative to the one being advocated by the manosphere will their influence in modern culture start to wane. Fixing the systemic issues that stack the deck against young men will also help.

Manly Music

These songs will put hair on your chest.

Ministry - B.D.E.

The men of today lack strong male role models like the lumberjack.

Monty Python - Lumberjack Song