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Revision as of 12:07, 23 October 2024 by Fractalguy (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== What is ISNESS? == ISNESS stands for the '''I'''nterfaith '''S'''tudy of '''N'''oetic and '''E'''ntheogenic '''S'''piritual '''S'''cience. It comes from the philosophical term "Isness" that refers to the quality of being or existing as something. It may also help to know the definitions of Noetic and Entheogen, too. We'll assume familiarity with the other terms in the...")
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What is ISNESS?

ISNESS stands for the Interfaith Study of Noetic and Entheogenic Spiritual Science.

It comes from the philosophical term "Isness" that refers to the quality of being or existing as something. It may also help to know the definitions of Noetic and Entheogen, too. We'll assume familiarity with the other terms in the anagram.

It is often associated with writings inspired by psychedelics and Eastern spirituality like Ram Dass, Alan Watts, Terence McKenna, Ken Wilber, and Eckhardt Tolle.

The Goal of ISNESS

The goal of ISNESS is to facilitate discussions about the intersection of science, psychology, psychedelics, and spirituality among diverse religious and secular communities.

We study the nature of mind and being human, and explore ways to improve the subjective experience of consciousness.

What Does ISNESS Do?

ISNESS facilitates a variety of activities in partnership with local faith communities that have an interest in exploring the exciting research in neuroscience creating scientific evidence demonstrating the benefits of many spiritual practices and beliefs. Subjects are discussed from a universalist and evidence-based perspective, making them accessible members of any religion as well as atheists, humanists, and others who lack supernatural beliefs.

We organize and co-host events with local organizations, as well as attending established events of interest to the group. Typical activities include:

  • Discussion groups
  • Book clubs
  • Psychedelic integration circles
  • Meditation and Yoga classes
  • Religious services
  • Hiking and Camping trips
  • Mountain Biking, Kayaking, Skydiving, and other adventures
  • Concerts, Raves, and Music Festivals
  • Drum Circles, Dance, and other Flow activities