
Like all fun things, money is great in moderation but can easily become addictive when consumed in excess.
metaculture is morally concerned with the proliferation of grift, especially in spiritual spaces (see Conspirituality for a very informative book and podcast on the subject). Sponsorship and product promotion will be avoided to ensure metaculture remains above reproach.
Since metaculture asks for no money, if it fails to deliver you will leave with what you came with. Can the other belief system peddlers say that?
Whereas other spiritual movements try to sell you solutions to your problems in the form of supplements and seminars, metaculture encourages you to buy nothing and find healing within yourself. While not anti-capitalist, metaculture encourages money moderation and a focus on Gross National Happiness over GDP.
When the time comes that we must inevitably enter the supplements game to earn income, they will be Honest Placebos.
See Capitalism and Economics for more money stuff.