Artificial intelligence

Artificial Intelligence is a very hot topic right now and this wiki will not attempt to add to the torrent of information being written on the subject presently.
Understanding how to make an artificial brain is very useful for understanding how to operate your own brain. It will also be pretty helpful given that all future technology will likely be based on it. As such, it is recommended that everyone have a working knowledge of the basic functions of a neural network, algorithms, and recursion in order to be a functional future human.
Related pages:
- Artificial Intelligence on Wikipedia
- Brains
- Consciousness
- Neural Networks
- Algorithms
- Platforms
- Crypto-bros
- Future
Why So Many Cheesy AI Images?
Due to limitations on licensing, time, and skills in the graphic arts, the options are cheesy AI images, cheesy stock photos, or terrible homemade graphics. The AI images are often pretty amusing and psychedelic. They are also interesting considering the fact that they are trained on the entire history of art and theoretically turn out images that represent how your prompt is visualized by a blend of every artist in its training data. That's kind of cool, even if they are shite.
Artificial Intelligence Videos
Is Hofstadter the foremost expert on AI in the present day? No. Is he this author's favorite author? Yes. So here's a video of Doug giving his opinions on AI and consciousness.